Sunday 7 July 2013


If you have not heard of KSP then shame on you and you should YouTube it right away!

Blasting little green aliens into space has never been so much fun, and being able to customise your rocket from the ground-up is the whole reason why I play the game. There's a "get to the moon" component but that really takes second seat to me just playing around making cool looking ships that hopefully have functionality too.

Splaty and Pacific_War got me onto the game initially and it wasn't long before Pacific_War managed to make this:

 And in turn this: (out of square panels!):

It wasn't long before I decided I had to do something like it. My first attempt turned out like this:
 And eventually culminated in these:

Pacific_War and I decided to combine our efforts into a "Star Wars Pack" for KSP. Some ships and functional and others not-so-much. The full album, and the reddit thread that attracted some attention is linked below:

Imgur Album
Reddit post

Download link

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